Our special guest this week is Brittany from (Second Class Cinema). She has agreed to join us for Apocalypse Week were we’ll be watching and reviewing both X-Men (2016) and The Apocalypse (2007) movie trailers. The below is a small article from Jesus-is-Savior.com which thought highly of the film!
Movie “THE APOCALYPSE” Teaches a False Gospel
Beware of demonic “FAITH FILMS”
Millions of people are being deceived by the Devil, by an evil company called FAITH FILMS, that portrays the demonic Catholic religion as being true Christianity. In the 2007 movie THE APOCALYPSE, people are being taught that children cannot go to Heaven unless they are baptized. Satan is working relentlessly to tear down the wall between Biblical Christianity and the hellhole Catholic religion. Books, movies, you name it; the Devil is lying, teaching people that the Catholic religion is the true Church. Satan is a liar of liars (John 8:44). The Catholic religion is straight out of the pits of Hell.
On that note ENJOY OUR SHOW! **This podcast is NSFW (not safe for work!)**
Box Office Boyz is a fast paced movie trailer discussion podcast. Each week your hosts Ryan and Aaron are joined by special guests to watch and rate trailers while insulting one another. This podcast is NSFW (not safe for work!)
****WARNING: The following is a list of douche bag things people love to say****
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