Today marks a milestone in Fat Foot Films history. Our first full length feature “Mourning Wood”, has been released through Brain Damage Films and is now available on DVD CLICK HERE TO ORDER
Back in 2006, a group of friends who had a passion for shooting silly short films, decided it was time to take what they love to do to the next level, hence “Mourning Wood” was born. Even though it didn’t have a name, we had a silly idea: “What if there was a product called Shampube that turned people into Humping Zombies? BRILLIANT!” To be honest with you, I think if we knew then that it was going to take us the next 4.5 years to finish, we sure as hell would have quit right then and there. But instead, we stuck through it to the end.
Mourning Wood was a trial and error process, we grew as we went. We learned that doing a movie without a finished script can cause some headaches. Too many chefs in the kitchen can burn your souffle, a 3.5 minute frame by frame animation for 2 people was a horrible pain in the ass, but the biggest thing that we learned is to never give up on your dreams, no matter what anyone says or how silly your idea can be.
The movie to us was a major accomplishment; we had so many great friends and family that stood by us. We realized no matter how much we wanted to give up or how much we were at each others throat, all of us at Fat Foot Films had a blast and wouldn’t take it back for a minute. As a crew, we can only hope that we progress from here and never give up on our dreams.
This brand new DVD has a boatload of special features including, the making of Mourning Wood, how to hump like a zombie and commentary with Ed Gutierrez, Marc Guild, Erik Johnson and Ryan Convery.
Synopsis: In the small town of Slutton, infomercial king Dr. Jacob Pendelton has created a new product called ShamPube, but unfortunately someone has tainted his new product, turning the town into sexually charged humping zombies.
Directed and Produced by: Ryan Convery
Starring: Ed Gutierrez, Erik Johnson, Marc Guild, Zack Brown, Ryan Convery, Ryan Clark, Nick Brown
Supporting Cast: Daniel Black, Shauna LeMay, Noah Guntharp, Jason Taylor, Mike Carra, Eryk Jones, Keith Anyon, Samantha Rossi, Katie Shepard
Composer/Original Music: Eryk Jones Claymation by: Sam Burdett Animation by: Noah Guntharp
Official Website:
Festivals: Motor City Nightmares Detroit Horror Convention (2011), Rock and Shock (2011)