Starting this Sunday (hopefully the snow doesn’t screw it up!), at The Lucky Dog Music Hall 89 Green St, Worcester, MA. Fat Foot Films will be throwing weekly themed events on Sun, Mon and Tues evenings, so come down and have a drink and the best part is there’s no cover charge!
SUNDAY FUNDAY: Come down to hang out and play some games (Beirut, Cornhole, Dominoes, and more!) No Cover
MOVIE MONDAY: Featuring three films every week, this Monday, Feb. 10th starting at 8pm come and see ROBOCOP 1, 2 & 3.
Monday, Feb. 17th will be the early films of Peter Jackson – Bad Taste, Meet The Feebles and Dead Alive. Again No Cover!
ARTISTIC TUESDAY: A different event each week, but THIS Tuesday come down for “Drink and Draw”. Featuring a live model that artists can draw for a few hours. All artists welcome; newbies, professionals, students, whoever! $8 Cover Charge for artists (which helps pay our pretty lady). Our featured model on Feb, 11th is the Looks That Kill Calendars Jessica Lynn there is no cover to come in and drink but if you do plan on drawing then it is $8.
Tuesday, Feb. 18th Fat Foot Films presents the monthly “Independent Movie Meet-Up” with indie directors, film makers, showing off their movies and short films. This is a meet and great so we encourage any one wanting to show off their movies by bringing a dvd copy to play and if you have always wanted to be in the indie film industry then this is a great place to get started and meet some local talent.
Hope to see you at the The Lucky Dog Music Hall
Any questions please email:
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